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来源: //www.amishhacks.com日期:2023-01-04 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
不管是消费者还是经销商,在选择铜门产品关注他的同时更要关注他的品质,品质才是道!下面 济南铜门厂家针对此方面来讲讲内容吧。
Whether consumers or dealers, they should pay more attention to their quality when choosing copper door products. Quality is the king! Now let's talk about the content of Jinan Copper Door Manufacturer in this regard.
Copper plate stealing, uneven, and low-quality paint on the surface will be terrible in less than a few years (the noble copper door should run counter to the low price, and cannot coexist)!
1. The consumers' psychology of pursuing low prices is the first core reason why inferior copper doors are rampant. From the layman's perspective, the appearance of inferior copper doors is similar to that of high-quality copper doors. Consumers even demand low prices for copper doors. Consumers' excessive pursuit of prices creates a vicious circle in the quality of low price copper doors - the lower the price, the greater the hidden danger and subtlety of quality
2. The industry environment is another main reason for the thriving of low-quality copper doors,
The vast majority of the copper door industry are small workshops. There are only a dozen standard factory personnel. Even a few people can become a small workshop processing factory. They are all handmade. Without any mechanical equipment, the investment can be very small. Therefore, any worker who is separated from the closed copper door factory can open a small copper door workshop processing factory in the local area
Copper plate is suspected of stealing materials, and the surface is painted with poor quality paint.
It is the responsibility for consumers and the healthy development path of dealers not to cater to consumers with low price thinking and not to sell copper doors with poor quality.
Copper doors are not necessarily good doors. Only copper doors that are completely developed and produced from the standpoint of consumers and users, and only copper door products that are down-to-earth, not opportunistic and not fraudulent, are good doors. Only high-quality copper door products that can be integrated into high-end groups in modern society are good doors in sense!
Choosing a cheap copper door with poor quality is like choosing a time bomb and placing it on your doorstep. Choosing a cheap copper door with poor quality is better than choosing a reliable manufacturer.
随着时代发展国内已经进入品质的生活,劣质铜门必将消亡,高品质铜门将功能化发展,相互追逐品质,才是一个企业活下来的理由。更多的相关事项就来我们网站 //www.amishhacks.com进行咨询吧!
With the development of the times, China has entered a quality led life, and low-quality copper doors will die out. The reason for an enterprise to survive is that high-quality copper doors will function and pursue quality brands. More related matters come to our website // Consult!
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